Friday, February 8, 2008

What the cobwebs?

It seems that I forgot about this little blog. How odd.

At this point, I can be fairly certain that my readership is a population of zero. That's somewhat sad, seeing as the point of a blog is to share events and stories and randomness with other people, and yet...

Knowing that it is highly unlikely that anybody will read this anytime soon is somewhat liberating. Whenever I talk, I try to filter (for lack of a better word) what I say so that it's better suited for the company I'm with (not that it's always effective, but that's beside the point). This goes beyond mere content. If I'm talking to a roommate, for example, and I know that she hates [insert random item here], I probably won't tell her that I tried [item that was inserted there] the other day and that, actually, I am quite fond of it. If I'm with a random group of people, it's doubtful that I'll mention anything that would reveal my nerdiness.

If nobody's listening, perhaps I can be myself for once.


ahem. said...

Don't count on it. ;)

Thirdmango said...

You should come to the pirates show on tuesday. Oh and you can't get rid of me, you're in my google reader.

Tangerine said...

HA! You updated. And I can still comment despite all this stupid Lent business.