Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I have now been feeling crappy for 3 weeks. Is this fair? No. Does that matter? No. Did I do some stupid things that might have contributed to me feeling crappy? Most definitely.

Stupid thing #1
Right before I was feeling sick in the respiratory sense, I had been feeling ill in a different sense. Thus, I was struggling to catch up on homework and, like the brilliant child that I am, I decided to only take a couple hours of sleep. It seems that my body had been just barely keeping this virus at bay. I went from feeling mostly ok to feeling like crap within a few hours.
From this experience I must conclude that it is important to get enough sleep.

Stupid thing #2
At the same point that I was feeling ill, it just happened that I was reaching the point when I needed to go grocery shopping. My provisions consisted of some soup and pineapple (courtesy of my sister and various wonderful friends), some noodly stuff, chicken nuggets, herbal tea, refried beans, and nutella.
From this experience I conclude that one should eat more fruits and vegetables.

Stupid thing #3
I waited 2 weeks before going to the doctor. When I went in (without a voice, coughing up a lung, etc), I was told that I had viral bronchitis. He gave me prescriptions for some impressive cough syrup, an inhaler, and steroids and told me to keep taking Mucinex.
From this experience I conclude that if I get sick, I should go to a doctor before the 2 week point.

And to anyone who's seen me in the past week, I blame anything stupid that I did on the drugs.

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