Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Oh I love technology

I had forgotten about google reader. Heh. That's the joy of google reader. You can be a bum blogger and the world can forget you, but as soon as you post again, the world remembers once more.

Well, my friends, facebook newsfeed nearly gave me a heart attack a few seconds ago. Or rather, it did give me a heart attack, but I recovered very quickly.

So I have this cousin. It just so happens that her name is almost exactly the same as mine, which is to say that I was called her name in France all the time. I loaded facebook really quickly to look at something and noticed something odd in my newsfeed. [The Chalice of Evil] went from being single to in a relationship. My heart stopped as I wondered which roommate would be receiving a fierce and mighty beat-down. Then my heart restarted as I saw that it was not my name, but my cousin's name. Thank goodness for that.

1 comment:

Thirdmango said...

Google reader is about the greatest thing ever.