Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Customer Support Representative

Ok. So the post title has nothing to do with what I'm going to blog about, but I'm at a public computer and when I clicked on the empty box for the title, Customer Support Representative popped up (for no apparent reason). Due to the pure and utter randomness, I will keep it.

Now, on to business.

My roommates all went to California this weekend (while stayed home and tried to sleep off the codeine). On Saturday, I got a call from a friend of the house and he told me that he was engaged.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm happy for him. He's pretty dang awesome. She's pretty dang awesome. They seem like a pretty dang awesome fit


They have been dating for (not exaggerating at all here) four weeks at most and they met at the beginning of the semester. Now, I can understand wanting to get married. I can understand meeting somebody, dating them, and marrying them. I can't understand deciding to marry someone when you've known them for less than two months, especially when they aren't planning on getting married until the summer. Long courtship, short engagement. Oi vey.

I'm just freaking out slightly. That's all.

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