Thursday, April 26, 2007

My sister

I would just like to take this opportunity to pseudo-publicly thank my sister. She is amazing. She is wonderful. Without her, I would not have been able to get packed in time. I certainly wouldn't have passed my cleaning check. All of my stuff would still be in the apartment. I wouldn't have checked out. She has lost a lot of sleep for me the past few days. I love her dearly and owe her my life. Seriously.

On a completely and totally random side note, I had fun chatting with some people from my Syntax class yesterday. One of them had a fantabulously nerdy experience that I felt the need to share. One of the females (a huge fan of Wicked) with some friends when somebody's cell phone went off with Popular as the ring tone. Immediately, alternative lyrics sprang to her mind: Copular. It's all about copular. It's just with the verb to be... and I'll stop there. It made me happy. :)

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