Thursday, April 19, 2007


This morning, I awoke early with my carnivorous streak alive. I was craving meat, undeniably so, but I feared that I would not have enough time to fix anything before leaving to help with the French fair (helping to navigate a whole crapload of high school students around the JFSB; joy). Besides, I was running a tad late as it was so even if I got there early enough, I would probably only get a pop tart. Thus, I speed-walked up to campus in the chill morning air, loving the feeling of crisp freshness streaming through my still damp hair.

I arrived on campus a few minutes and asked one of the people running the event where I should go to help with the spelling bee and was informed that I wouldn't be needed for another hour. Oh joy. I could have slept another hour.

The good news was that this meant I had a little more time for breakfast. I headed over to the vending machines, planning on purchasing a my little packet of pop tarts, but then my carnivorous streak reared its head once again. I felt this irrepressible urge to eat meat. Thus, I did the ridiculous and bought a double cheeseburger. At 7:30 am. I felt somewhat feral eating lunch/dinner meat this early, but hey: it was yummy. :)


Heather said...

I do that. Crave meat, that is. It usually means I've not been consuming enough iron.

Way to go against the grain!

Rachel Helps said...

I like KK's pun there... hahaha

Hunting has never been easier.