Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Why I do what I do

Recently, I have spent a bit of time figuring out the identities of a few of the Board writers. I felt kind of weird as I sleuthed around, picking up little clues here and there. I told myself that I was just curious and liked the puzzle, but that answer didn't satisfy me. I knew that there was something more.
Today, I was thinking about a blog that I read a while back. In it, Just Another Cassio talks about how sometimes you see somebody and want to get to know them, but there isn't any good way to do it. I realized that that is the reason why I try and figure out who the Board writers are. I have seen something in people that has grabbed my attention and made me want to get to know them better. The difference is that it wasn't a person's hair or the shape of their body or their face that made me want to know them. Rather, in reading the writers' responses I have been given a brief glance into their minds, their hearts, their souls. From what I've seen, the writers are truly awesome and amazing people. I'm just looking for a way to get to know them better.


Rachel Helps said...

sure, justify your stalking... ;-)

The Chalice of Evil said...

I wouldn't call it stalking, per se...

ahem. said...

Just be glad you didn't give up facebook for lent. It's really useful.


Heather said...

I feel exactly the same way. I'm drawn to these amazingly wonderful people. I'm lucky to know two of the Board writers because if I didn't know the one, I sure would want to!

Allie said...

Hey love! You always make me smile. :^D (<--like that!). I had the randomest question for you, though--it occurred to me that we've only ever met like one time, and I was just wondering how you recognized me that one time in the Cougareat as I was rushing away. That was pretty impressive!

The Chalice of Evil said...

Ahem- I know. Some of the writers are very aware of that.
KK- Yeah. These people rock. :)
Lexi- I have a pretty good memory. Once I see a face I very rarely forget it. I can't always remember which face goes with which name, but I was able to remember yours due to your semi-celebrity status. :)

Thirdmango said...

As someone who was in your place but is now just friends with all them boardies and what not I fully support your stalking. :D

Dave said...

Yeah! My comments have depth and aren't just shallow observations of a college-age male!