Tuesday, February 13, 2007


So, I'm still sick. Not very fun. My head feels all floaty and funny.

I just looked at my facebook and saw that I had received a facebook message from a former roommate who moved out at the end of last semester.

You know how sometimes, when a roommate moves out, you remain friends with her (or him, if you are a guy). Her departure was a sad experience and you exchanged heartfelt goodbyes. You still chat online sometimes to reminisce about the good ol' days. You miss her dearly and wish that she would come back.

This former roommate, is not a former roommate of that sort.

She had some very annoying bad habits (which I shall not enumerate here) and caused more than a little bit of contention in the apartment. I felt sort of bad for her because she always assumed that people were out to get her. Always. Thus, she was always on the defensive. Still, if a girl keeps trying to cut my legs out from under me, I might become less than friendly.

One of the numerous difficulty that we (the other 5 roommates) had with (to limit confusion, I shall invent a name) Tiffany was that she had lots of stuff. I realize that that may sound a bit vague, but I shall expound a bit. When her door was left open, it was clear to see that she took up, not only her side of the room, but a good half of the other roommate's space as well. She managed to fill our entire closet (and it's a dang big closet). Almost everything in the kitchen belonged to her. She had lots of crap. Inevitably, her stuff had a tendency to vomit throughout the apartment. There were weeks when we wouldn't see the kitchen table because her stuff was all over it. It was not uncommon to find her half-full two liters of soda throughout the apartment. Needless to say (especially seeing as any attempt to talk to her was seen as a personal attack), it was very difficult living with her.

When she left, things were not on good terms, to say the least. She quite literally slammed out the door, not pausing to say goodbye. This wouldn't have bothered anybody too much except for one tiny detail: she left at least half of her crap. We (the roommates), were very upset by this. We looked in the closet to see that Tiffany had left a bit of money and note to one of her friends in the ward asking her (the friend) to swing by to pick up all of her stuff to ship to her. Please note: included in the pile of stuff were numerous games, snow tires, opened packages of food, dirty clothes, cooking equipment, along with many other things. Heavy things. Heavy things that would require more money to ship than what Tiffany left.

One of the roommates who hadn't left yet (and who was still on decent terms with Tiffany) called her about all of the stuff. It had to be out of there by the end of the term, otherwise management would throw it away. Tiffany's friend didn't have a car. How did she expect it to ship back properly? Tiffany (grudgingly) said that all of the stuff (with the exception of a few items) should be donated to DI or something. We (the remaining roommates) shrugged, pulled a few items out, then walked away from the situation (after all, going home for Christmas is a wonderful way to distract you from things like that).

Upon my return, I discovered that management, upon hearing about Tiffany's stuff, had taken everyone's stuff from the closet (thinking that they were just getting hers). I was told that all of Tiffany's stuff was going to be thrown away within a short time. I went out to the storage shed and picked out my stuff, along with a few of Tiffany's things that I thought it would be a shame to let get thrown away (some games and such). Time passed. It became February. I forgot about such things.

About a week ago, my roommates told me that one of Tiffany's friends had stopped by. She had taken any of the items that used to be Tiffany's that she saw and asked about a few other things. Specifically, she asked about a board game (which, apparently, held the money that Tiffany left). My roommates told her that they knew that I had the game, but it was probably in my room somewhere, so they'd mention it to me later. When I heard this, I was a bit miffed. Tifanny has been gone for well over a month. She had already given her stuff up. I was fine with returning the money (I had no idea that it was in the game), but had (and have) no plans of returning the game. I took the money out and put it on the fridge so the girl could come get it.

Tiffany's friend asked me about the game on Sunday. I let her know where the money was, but I made it clear that I wasn't planning on returning the game (even if it's simply out of principle at this point).

Today I got a message from Tiffany on facebook (as a side note, after she left, she unfriended everyone from my apartment; oh, such lame revenge). In her message, she insists that I need to return the game or pay her for it (even though, essentially, I saved it from the garbage can). She then proceeded to cite the honor code, saying that it's really up to me, whether I feel good about it or not.

Am I planning on returning the game? No. When a roommate leaves stuff behind (especially if they say to give everything to DI)(also, when the roommate makes a list of exceptions, everything else is fair game), she loses all rights to it. Technically speaking, it became the property of management (or the dumpster, depending on your point of view).

I am sick. I have my famous smoker's cough. I feel lightheaded. And now I am angry. Blah.

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