Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Today is the first day of Lent. Thank goodness I'm not Catholic, because meat sounds really good today.

Yesterday was a bit long, but it was a good day. I came to an unpleasant realization in one of my classes (I don't know what's going on in there), but I'll be visiting the teacher today to talk to him about that. I went to Go Club. That was fun. Tangerine is amazing, but somewhat deceptive. When you first meet her, she seems fairly quiet and sweet. When you play Go with her, you realize exactly how vicious and bloodthirsty she is. Wally was there, too. He's pretty dang awesome.

I wasn't planning on doing anything for Lent. I never have, simply because I don't see a point to it. Seriously. I'm Mormon. Lent is for Catholics. Besides, how does abstaining from something silly (like socks or junk food or bread or new year's resolutions) make me a better person? I always thought Lent was a foolish little exercise.

Well, last night I was sitting in bed doing Sudoku. It was past the time when I had planned to go to bed, but I was having a very difficult time putting the puzzle down. While mindlessly filling in the numbers, I began to think about all of the time I wasted playing Sudoku (both on paper and online). I must admit that I have a bit of a problem. I am easily distracted, yet Sudoku manages to hold my attention for long periods of time. I have had days when I had made plans to get my homework done, but I ended up sitting down at a computer and doing Sudoku instead.

A common trait in my family is an easily addicted personality. Whether it's a TV show, a game, or whatever, once we start we have a hard time stopping. While sitting on my bed I realized that my easily addicted personality (exemplified by my Sudoku habit) was a natural tendency that was causing me problems. It is a part of my natural man that I have a hard time controlling. Lent is about controlling one's passions (and I must interject that although passion can be a good thing, it is important to remember moderation in all things).

Thus, at 11:30 last night, I decided to give up Sudoku for Lent.

Shhhh... I also decided to do one more, seeing as it would be a while before I'd do another one.

This should be interesting. Maybe I'll spend more time amusing myself by thinking up interesting questions to ask the Board. :)

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