Saturday, June 9, 2007


Wow. I went to Bruges today. It was dang sweet. I mean, I love Paris dearly and I find myself intoxicated with her quite frequently, but it was nice to go somewhere else for a little bit. Seriously folks, Bruges was gorgeous.

I rode in a horse-drawn carriage with some friends. Our driver was an absolute riot. He practically pushed out the French tourists (keep in mind that the French do not believe in standing in a line unless it is at the bakery) who had climbed into his carriage because he had seen us waiting (about five or six other drivers before this had just taken the French tourists and left). He rang somebody's doorbell as we rode through the city, only to hurry on to ensure that we were gone when the resident came outside. He waved his arm towards a bearded, somewhat Arabic looking carriage driver and told us that the man was actually Osama Bin Laden. It was amazing.

I ate lots of chocolate. And Belgian waffles (which are truly glorious in Belgium). And fries. Oh my stars, those fries were amazing. To make them even better, there were all of these crazy sauces available. My favorite was a super spicy one called Samurai that would have been useful when I was a child trying to convince the thermometer that I had a fever. So good. Heh. I bought about 3/4 kg of chocolates. Oh happy day.

I took some pictures that I will most definitely need to post because, well, dang. I laughed so hard when I saw it (but I won't spoil it for all y'all so you'll just have to check back later to see them).

Well, I have church in the morning, so goodnight.

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