Monday, March 5, 2007

Nyms and Nonsense

This weekend has been fun. I mean, it was insane and crazy, but I definitely enjoyed myself. :)

Friday night I visited a friend who I haven't seen all semester (it turned out to be quite the adventure). Saturday night I visited some more friends who I hadn't seen for a while. We watched a movie and played some games. I am now a fan of Curses.

On Sunday night, I went to pick up my laptop from a friend (it was having some issues and he had offered to work on it). It turned out that he had forgotten about it, but he kindly got it out and started cleaning up the clutter on the hard drive. In the meantime, we (meaning my friend, two Board writers, and myself) had a nice little chat.

Well, while working on the little lappie, my friend restarted the computer. This caused google talk to pop up. With my nym address on it.

That was slightly awkward.

Hey. At least now I can say that I understand how it feels to have your nym revealed in a truly ridiculous manner.

Oi vey.


Rachel Helps said...

so, I don't count as a "friend"?

The Chalice of Evil said...

That didn't come out the way it was supposed to. You most definitely count as my friend. :)

Allie said...

Have I mentioned lately that i'm pretty much your biggest fan?! Because I so am. Let's be friends. :^D

*surprise almost-violent hug, perhaps from behind, in the middle of a crowd*