Friday, February 29, 2008


So, once upon a time, my ward had a fantastic idea. To celebrate leap year, we rented out Jump-On-It (this place with lots of trampolines and stuff) for an hour. We spent an hour jumping on a field of great bounciness. It was unspeakably fun, but exhausting. And mildly frightening, when you think of the ridiculously long waiver everyone had to sign. Heh. It was worth a few nose dives and a sore wrist, though. It rocked.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Quick French Lesson

Donner un baisser means to give a kiss. Baisser means something completely different. Well, maybe not completely, but definitely different enough to make saying the wrong one in class rather awkward.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

And yeah I really do think...

Is it ironic that I can have a very low tolerance for loud and crazy people?

Customer Support Representative

Ok. So the post title has nothing to do with what I'm going to blog about, but I'm at a public computer and when I clicked on the empty box for the title, Customer Support Representative popped up (for no apparent reason). Due to the pure and utter randomness, I will keep it.

Now, on to business.

My roommates all went to California this weekend (while stayed home and tried to sleep off the codeine). On Saturday, I got a call from a friend of the house and he told me that he was engaged.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm happy for him. He's pretty dang awesome. She's pretty dang awesome. They seem like a pretty dang awesome fit


They have been dating for (not exaggerating at all here) four weeks at most and they met at the beginning of the semester. Now, I can understand wanting to get married. I can understand meeting somebody, dating them, and marrying them. I can't understand deciding to marry someone when you've known them for less than two months, especially when they aren't planning on getting married until the summer. Long courtship, short engagement. Oi vey.

I'm just freaking out slightly. That's all.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I have now been feeling crappy for 3 weeks. Is this fair? No. Does that matter? No. Did I do some stupid things that might have contributed to me feeling crappy? Most definitely.

Stupid thing #1
Right before I was feeling sick in the respiratory sense, I had been feeling ill in a different sense. Thus, I was struggling to catch up on homework and, like the brilliant child that I am, I decided to only take a couple hours of sleep. It seems that my body had been just barely keeping this virus at bay. I went from feeling mostly ok to feeling like crap within a few hours.
From this experience I must conclude that it is important to get enough sleep.

Stupid thing #2
At the same point that I was feeling ill, it just happened that I was reaching the point when I needed to go grocery shopping. My provisions consisted of some soup and pineapple (courtesy of my sister and various wonderful friends), some noodly stuff, chicken nuggets, herbal tea, refried beans, and nutella.
From this experience I conclude that one should eat more fruits and vegetables.

Stupid thing #3
I waited 2 weeks before going to the doctor. When I went in (without a voice, coughing up a lung, etc), I was told that I had viral bronchitis. He gave me prescriptions for some impressive cough syrup, an inhaler, and steroids and told me to keep taking Mucinex.
From this experience I conclude that if I get sick, I should go to a doctor before the 2 week point.

And to anyone who's seen me in the past week, I blame anything stupid that I did on the drugs.

Oh I love technology

I had forgotten about google reader. Heh. That's the joy of google reader. You can be a bum blogger and the world can forget you, but as soon as you post again, the world remembers once more.

Well, my friends, facebook newsfeed nearly gave me a heart attack a few seconds ago. Or rather, it did give me a heart attack, but I recovered very quickly.

So I have this cousin. It just so happens that her name is almost exactly the same as mine, which is to say that I was called her name in France all the time. I loaded facebook really quickly to look at something and noticed something odd in my newsfeed. [The Chalice of Evil] went from being single to in a relationship. My heart stopped as I wondered which roommate would be receiving a fierce and mighty beat-down. Then my heart restarted as I saw that it was not my name, but my cousin's name. Thank goodness for that.

Friday, February 8, 2008

What the cobwebs?

It seems that I forgot about this little blog. How odd.

At this point, I can be fairly certain that my readership is a population of zero. That's somewhat sad, seeing as the point of a blog is to share events and stories and randomness with other people, and yet...

Knowing that it is highly unlikely that anybody will read this anytime soon is somewhat liberating. Whenever I talk, I try to filter (for lack of a better word) what I say so that it's better suited for the company I'm with (not that it's always effective, but that's beside the point). This goes beyond mere content. If I'm talking to a roommate, for example, and I know that she hates [insert random item here], I probably won't tell her that I tried [item that was inserted there] the other day and that, actually, I am quite fond of it. If I'm with a random group of people, it's doubtful that I'll mention anything that would reveal my nerdiness.

If nobody's listening, perhaps I can be myself for once.