Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Have you ever had one of those days that makes you want to find a nice sturdy wall to bang your head against?

For me, that day would be today.

Actually, I exaggerate. Today has been a fairly good day. I'm just feeling a bit frustrated right now. :P

Today, I didn't have class until noon, but (for once) I got up this morning and caught up on some readings and such. I took the time to do my make-up carefully and ate a nice, leisurely lunch. Then I looked at the clock and realized that I should have left five minutes before. Oi vey.

So I rushed up to campus and made it into my class right behind the teacher. Ok. Slightly winded. More than slightly stressed. But ok.

Class was pretty good. It's a class on French and Italian cinema, and today's movie was fairly interesting and amusing and should provide me with plenty of info to write up a paper about it. Unfortunately, though an excellent film, it lasted almost two hours and wasn't started until almost 1:00. Please note: my class immediately following it is on the other side of campus.

Thus, I rushed to my next class, barely arriving before the bell rang. Winded. Stressed. Alive. Ok.

As the teacher talked, I had a horrible realization: there was a paper due today. We're not talking about an easy-to-fake one page write up, but rather a 3-5 demi-research paper. I was glad to discover that the teacher doesn't dock too much for lateness, but I was still very frustrated.

At this point, I want to go home, work on some homework, chill a bit, and do other things of that sort. Unfortunately, that isn't really an option. I have to help with a performance that starts at 7:15 and doesn't end until long after that. Sigh. Even if it wasn't for the performance, I still wouldn't go home. I would stay at the library and do my paper.

I want a nap. Or chocolate. Maybe even a nap and chocolate. That sounds nice. And a hug. I could use a hug, too.

Things should be clearing up a lot after this weekend. I just have to make it through the weekend. :P