Monday, April 14, 2008

Lovely Little Lab Moment

People seem to have various ideas about proper lab etiquette. Not having a working computer this semester, I've definitely seen my share of variations.

Approaching finals, the labs become rather full, meaning that people try not to abandon their seat for fear of an usurper. This means that there tend to be more phone calls than usual. Seeing as most people in the labs are working hard to get ready for finals, this is rather annoying.

A few minutes ago, a guy was talking pretty loudly on his cell phone, certainly loudly enough for the entire lab to hear. At one point, he was talking about the price of something (I wasn't paying enough attention to notice what the something was). He kept rattling on about how whatever they were were $4 each. After he'd repeated it a few times, a random guy from the lab poked his head up and shouted (technically it was a regular voice, but in a computer lab, it felt like a shout) "Four dollars!?!?! Really? At four dollars, I'd like to take five." He then ducked his down quickly as the guy on the phone looked around, clearly confused. Snickering commenced throughout the lab.

Kudos to you, smart alecky lab boy. Kudos to you.
